Aurora’s Financial Status

Covid-19 has a had a significant impact on all of us. Specifically, many Aurora businesses and residents have been hit hard financially.

This is why we acted quickly in putting the task force and action teams in place to help those in our community who need it most. As a result, during this time, we were able to secure close to 100k in donations from individuals and businesses who have stepped up to help our community. 

Despite the support we have received from donors, it is understandable there are concerns about the finances of our Town and what impact this will have on the taxpayers moving forward. What will our next budget look like?  Will our taxes go up?

These questions weigh heavy on our community. So, I am providing an update on the current state of our Town finances and an outlook on our financial position going forward.

The Town is in a very good position as, over the last 5 years, we have developed  budget principles – a tax rate increase of inflation plus 1% for infrastructure reserves. This principle has allowed us to be financially responsible while continuing to provide the great level of service that all residents have become accustomed to and deserve. 

So, where does this leave us next year and the following year? This Council approved the first multi-year budget using these principles to set the tax rate for the entire term, 2021 – 3.4%, 2022 – 2.9%…. and as a result of our prudent financial management, the tax rate set by this council will not change due to the pandemic.

Furthermore, we will be able to continue to invest in our community through infrastructure projects like Library Square and road improvements. We currently have $84 million of active capital projects underway and our capital budget will continue to invest in improvements to our community over the next 10 years. And we are able to do this because of the fiscally responsible approach this Council has taken.

And while we are always accepting of funding from the Federal and Provincial governments, we are proud to be one of the few municipalities in the GTHA that did not need to be bailed out. Now we will receive our share, as will every municipality, but we will utilize these funds to ensure they contribute to the benefit of our community through growth, infrastructure and increased services.

It has been my commitment, and the commitment of Council, to continue to move forward and get things done and we are pleased to report that the pandemic we continue to face has only strengthened our commitment to do the right things for our community.

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8 Responses

  1. Tom
    I do commend that Aurora is going great financially.
    But when will enough be enough
    I have been living in Aurora for over 11 years and my taxes have increased over 50%.
    Again when is enough , enough. When will governments learn their is only 1 tax payer and we all don’t get 3-4% pay increases every year like all of you governments think we do.
    I believe all levels of governments including Aurora should start realizing we are not a bottomless pit with bottomless resources as taxpayers.
    You need to start looking at 0 tax increase because we are all getting sick and tired of continuing to pay for the same services year in year out. There are no more services that you offer home owners but we keep paying to feed the machine of paying employees pay and benefits.
    Time to Stop this.
    Thanks you

  2. I have the same problem. Why are the taxes in Aurora so high. It is time to reduce them. It is a coefficient that should be set much lower that it is now. It is done in one office by one person. It is time to work for people in Aurora.. Reduce taxes. Eliminate red light camera that is another tax on citizens of this town. That would be a beneficial act on your side as representative of the citizens of Aurora. Speed camera should be stopped to be installed in Aurora. We do not need additional taxes. These are private corporations that made contract with governments and take more undeserved money from people of this town.

  3. We do not need unnecessary constructions in this town. That library building should have been left there and reused.
    Library of Aurora does not allow advertising of private businesses at the entrances. It is as if it is a corporation that protect herself from the citizens that pay with the fee the salaries of those that work there.

  4. Thank you Tom for doing such a great job and keeping us informed. Let’s try and put some of that money into completing promised improvements such as the Highland Gate trail system. : )

  5. While I appreciate the current optimism surrounding the town’s finances, I’m just finding it difficult to justify spending 55+ million dollars during this time. We are currently in unprecedented times and no one can say for certain how this will play out long term. I think council should take a step back and revisit this plan at a later date.

  6. 85 million dollars in historically high capital projects including 33 million in roads is unfortunately not spelling “prudent financial management”, but more of a “bold financial management” principle..especially considering 10 years later projected same capital projects expenditure being only $14 million in the same report.

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